
Controlling brain circuits, behavior and emotion using light
Schematic diagram of Opto-vTrap, an optogenetic trap for reversible inhibition of vesicular release, synaptic transmission,
Towards treatments for chronic pain, depression, epilepsy and more without having to penetrate the skull or brain tissue
Philipp Gutruf (left) and Jokubas Ausra and team are creating new tools for a method
Engineers and neurobiologists have wirelessly programmed and then deprogrammed mice to socially interact with one another in real time
via Northwestern University Engineers and neurobiologists have wirelessly programmed and then deprogrammed mice to socially
Real-time communications between artificial and biological neurons move neuroprosthetics closer
via Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo Real-time communications between artificial and biological
Mimicking the human brain with an electronic chip that uses light to create and modify memories

Electronic chip mimics the brain to make memories in a flash RMIT researchers drew inspiration

A step toward reprogramming the human genome

The advancement, made possible by tiny photonic implants, could lead to new treatments for cancer,

What if scientists could manipulate your brain so that a traumatic memory lost its emotional power over your psyche? 

Proof It’s Possible to Enhance or Suppress Memories Steve Ramirez (CAS’10), a Boston University neuroscientist fascinated

Using biointegrated LEDs to stimulate nerves

A team of neuroscientists and engineers has developed a tiny, implantable device that has potential

Controlling neurons with light could ultimately mean turning off pain receptors or reducing the effects of severe neurological disorders

Research by UA professor reveals a more sophisticated method for delivering light to control neurons

A new microscope to study how neurological disorders affect neuron communication

New microscope has more than 100 times larger field of view for studying brain activity

Towards diagramming the connections of the brain as the brain performs a task or learns a new skill in real time

Focused laser beam could help scientists map connections among neurons that underlie behavior. Researchers at

A new technique to visualize and control the neural activities that underlie behavior

New tool to identify and control neurons Researchers at Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience

Light can be used as an accurate method to control gene expression

Light can be used as an accurate method to control gene expression, shows groundbreaking optogenetics

Using light as an unprecedented tool for pinpointing the causes of disease

Scientists use light to control the logic networks of a cell New technique illuminates role

Brighter prospects for chronic pain using optogentics

Researchers use optogenetics to produce pain relief by shutting off neurons with light The potential