chronic pain

Could chronic pain be cured by a brain-computer interface?
via University of East Anglia Could chronic pain be cured by a brain-computer interface? Researchers
A new way to treat chronic pain can achieve complete relief – heading for clinical trials
The image shows the compound Tat-P4-(C5)2 after an injection into the spinal cord. The compound
A new approach to treatment for chronic pain
The image shows the compound Tat-P4-(C5)2 after an injection into the spinal cord. The compound
A test to detect opioid drugs in exhaled breath has been developed

A test to detect opioid drugs in exhaled breath has been developed by engineers and physicians

First genetic evidence that insects experience chronic pain

Thwack! Insects feel chronic pain after injury Associate Professor Greg Neely and his team of

An idea that could benefit millions of chronic pain sufferers worldwide

Scientists at The University of Manchester are developing a smart phone application connected to goggles

Stimulating the brain to treat chronic pain

Neuroscientists and chronic pain experts at the UNC School of Medicine used a weak alternating

Can a revolutionary blood test identify chronic pain in humans and animals?

A revolutionary on the spot blood test that identifies chronic pain by colour “biomarkers” will

Could the brain’s natural painkilling system could be used as a possible alternative to opioids for the effective relief of chronic pain

Researchers from the UK & Japan have identified how the brain’s natural painkilling system could

Medical cannabis, rather than opioids, are significantly safer for the elderly with chronic pain

Medical Cannabis Significantly Safer for Elderly With Chronic Pain Than Opioids, According to Ben-Gurion University

A way to curb chronic pain by modulating genes that reduce tissue and cell damaging inflammation

  For millions of sufferers, there is nothing more debilitating than chronic back or joint

A tiny snail may offer an alternative to opioids for pain relief

An alternative to opiods? Scientists at the University of Utah have found a compound that blocks

Tuning the brain can reduce chronic pain

Scientists at The University of Manchester have shown for the first time that if the

Brighter prospects for chronic pain using optogentics

Researchers use optogenetics to produce pain relief by shutting off neurons with light The potential

Stem Cells Provide Lasting Pain Relief in Mice

Chronic pain caused by the nerve damage of type 2 diabetes, surgical amputation, chemotherapy and