
Smartphones could be used to scan people’s eyes for early-warning signs of glaucoma
Some of the most common eye-related diseases are avoidable Smartphones could be used to scan
Scientists reverse age-related vision loss, glaucoma damage in mice
Axons regenerate after nerve injury in aged mice given OSK treatment. Image: Yuancheng Lu Scientists
Future glaucoma treatment: A new approach to regenerate the optic nerve
via University of Cambridge Future glaucoma treatment: A new approach to regenerate the optic nerve
Glaucoma could be successfully treated with a single injection using gene therapy
Histological section of a ciliary body.  Credit: University of Bristol Glaucoma could be successfully treated
A new contact lens microneedle patch to treat eye diseases

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) scientists have developed a ‘contact lens’ patch with microneedles that

A new smart drainage device will help patients with glaucoma

Purdue University Researchers have invented a new smart drainage device to help patients with glaucoma, a

Facilitating the early detection of glaucoma

This eye disease often leads to blindness — which might be prevented by early intervention

Could glaucoma be an autoimmune disease?

Unexpected findings show that the body’s own immune system destroys retinal cells. Glaucoma, a disease

Tumeric eye drops could be a new treatment option for glaucoma

Eye drops containing a derivative of turmeric reduce the loss of retinal cells in rats,

Diagnosing diabetes and glaucoma with a smart contact lens

UNIST researchers develop digital contact lenses that has the potential to transform diabetes care A

Drug ‘cocktail’ plus gene therapy could restore vision in optic nerve injury

Channel blocker drug, added to regenerative factors, is key Research from Boston Children’s Hospital suggests

Herbal Supplement May Successfully Treat Glaucoma

Scientists have found that baicalein significantly lowers eye pressure and may act as an all-natural

U of Washington An illustration of the final device. The device would be placed in an artificial lens with its antenna circling the perimeter, and the sensor and radio frequency chip inside.
Sensor in eye could track pressure changes, monitor for glaucoma

Your eye could someday house its own high-tech information center, tracking important changes and letting