robotic fish

Robotic fish swarms swim together without outside coordination
These fish-inspired robots can synchronize their movements without any outside control. Based on the simple
The first robotic fish proven to mimic the speed and movements of live yellowfin tuna

With a better understanding of how fish move, researchers eventually could develop faster, more efficient

The robots are coming for invasive species

Researchers from NYU Tandon School of Engineering and University of Western Australia report robotic fish

A robotic fish swims with the school and can even lead

A new miniature robot developed by EPFL researchers can swim with fish, learn how they

Researchers Unveil Large Robotic Jellyfish That One Day Could Patrol Oceans

Virginia Tech College of Engineering researchers have unveiled a life-like, autonomous robotic jellyfish the size

Robotic Fish Gain New Sense: Navigate Water Currents and Turbulence

Scientists have developed robots with a new sense — lateral line sensing. All fish have