precision medicine

Artificial intelligence for autism early diagnosis and intervention?
Autism affects an estimated 1 in 54 children in U.S. Artificial intelligence for autism early
An artificial neural network can find disease-related genes
Artificial neural networks are excellent at learning how to find patterns in enormous amounts of
Adding high-performance computing to personalized medicine is an important next step

What should personalized, precision treatment of cancer look like in the future? We know that

A clinical trial that provided proactive personalized care to participants detected overlooked health conditions and risks

A Stanford clinical trial that provided proactive, personalized care to participants detected overlooked health conditions

A blood test for pain?

A breakthrough test developed by Indiana University School of Medicine researchers to measure pain in

Tailored cystic fibrosis treatment for each patient via a blood test?

Study used blood test to identify distinct molecular signatures of disease; paves the way to

Precision medicine gets a new benchtop machine to manufacture small batches of biopharmaceuticals on demand

System can be rapidly reconfigured to produce a variety of protein drugs. Biopharmaceuticals, a class

Treating fibrosis, that is estimated to cause 35 to 40 percent of deaths in the world, with precision medicine

Normal scar tissue forms to heal an internal wound and quietly retreats when the job

Personalized cancer treatment that matches individual tumors with the drugs or drug combinations that are most likely to kill them

Researchers at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) have developed a highly innovative computational framework

RNA editing offers new possibilities for precision cancer medicine

If there is one thing all cancers have in common, it is they have nothing

Researchers program biomaterials with logic gates that release therapeutics in response to environmental triggers

Researchers program biomaterials with ‘logic gates’ that release therapeutics in response to environmental triggers Drug

Massive libraries of proteins from DNA samples could usher in a new era of functional genomics

Scientists at Rutgers and other universities build technology that could lead to rapid discovery of

Precision medicine accelerates using real-time MRI analysis

Researchers develop a pipeline to enable fast, accurate image processing for precision medicine One of

How disruptive technologies can help keep the health care team and the patient on track

Technology has promised to transform health care for years now. Multiple apps, devices, and other

Researchers use stem cells to grow 3-D lung-in-a-dish

FINDINGS By coating tiny gel beads with lung-derived stem cells and then allowing them to