hydrogen from water

Series of four still images from a sample video showing how a photoreactor from Rice University splits water molecules and generates hydrogen when stimulated by simulated sunlight. (Image courtesy of the Mohite lab/Rice University)
This could open up the hydrogen economy and change the way humans make things from fossil fuel to solar fuel
Series of four still images from a sample video showing how a photoreactor from Rice
How do you store excess electricity so it can be released back onto the grid when it’s needed? Hydrogen
A new triple-conducting oxide allows protons, oxygen ions and electrons to move through, allowing generation
Creating hydrogen fuel from seawater

Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen presents an alternative to fossil fuels, but purified water

Big step taken to mass produce hydrogen energy

The research team of Professor Jong-Sung Yu’s has developed new photocatalyst synthesis method using Magnesium

Star-shaped gold nanoparticles can produce hydrogen from water over four times more efficiently

Rutgers study opens door to broader use of sunlight and advanced materials to combat climate

Champion nano-rust for producing solar hydrogen

Water and some nano-structured iron oxide is all it takes to produce bubbles of solar