coral reefs

A close-up ofextended polyps of an apparently healthy great star coral colony (Montastraea cavernosa) on a reef near Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The tentacles surrounding the mouth of each polyp help trap food particles for the coral to eat. The brown coloration is from the symbiotic microalgae (Symbiodiniaceae) that live in the coral tissues. Credit: Valerie Paul
The first effective bacterial probiotic for treating and preventing stony coral tissue loss disease
A close-up ofextended polyps of an apparently healthy great star coral colony (Montastraea cavernosa) on
Monitoring the ongoing health of a reef using a hydrophone and artificial intelligence
via UN Development Programme Monitoring the ongoing health of a reef using a hydrophone and
Is it possible that some coral reefs could keep pace with ocean warming?
A healthy coral reef in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area Is it possible that some
Is it possible to produce heat-tolerant corals by selective breeding?
A close-up showing the detail in a Platygyra coral (credit Emily Howells) Is it possible
Corals that withstood a severe bleaching event and were transplanted to a different reef maintained their resilient qualities
Penn biologist Katie Barott and colleagues found that corals maintain their ability to resist bleaching
Could probiotic approaches protect corals against heat stress?
A bleached reef-building coral of the genus Porites. These coral species are important builders of
Breakthrough in coral research: The first stable coral cell lines have been cultured boosting global efforts to help corals
A colony of Acropora tenuis grown in a natural sea environment and transferred to an
Directed evolution produces heat resistant coral to fight bleaching
The coral releases bundles of eggs and sperm for spawning into the water column. After
Initiating a world-first cloud brightening technique to protect corals
Cloud brightening equipment. Credit: Brendan Kelaher/Southern Cross University Initiating a world-first cloud brightening technique to
Some reefs can still thrive with plentiful fish stocks, high fish biodiversity, and well-preserved ecosystem functions
Overfishing has the biggest impact on reef fish communities, while climate change has the greatest
Bionic 3D-printed corals could help energy production and coral reefs
Scanning electron microscope image of the microalgal colonies in the hybrid living biopolymers Credit: Daniel
Playing the sounds of healthy reefs attracts young fish to degraded coral reefs

Young fish can be drawn to degraded coral reefs by loudspeakers playing the sounds of

Restoring damaged parts of the Great Barrier Reef by using floating coral nurseries

Coral researchers are working night and day on the Great Barrier Reef to complete a

A 3D printed starter kit for coral reef regeneration

Natural disasters such as hurricanes often leave devastation in their wake. Residents living in affected

A new low-cost approach to help manage one of the biggest threats facing the Great Barrier Reef

New, lower-cost help may soon be on the way to help manage one of the